My Viewpoint
We are the platform, you are its voice.
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Site Etiquette
The cornerstone of all meaning-full discussion is etiquette.
Opinions Not Fact.
Disagree with something ? Chill.
It is inevitable points of contentions will exist, that's why debates take place. Shouting, or being pissed won't help. Talk. Put your points forward in the forum. Getting angry only leads to bad decisions.
Opinion Or Fact ?
There's a distinction.
Disclose opinions as such and Facts need citations wherever possible. Stay Authentic.
Keep it Legit.
Source ?
The debater should never falsify, create or distort evidence.
Listen, Speak
In that order.
Just blabbering and not listening and responding makes the points (however 'correct') will come across as disingenuous.
Why ?
Civil Dialogue alleviates tension.
“Hatred and fear blind us. We no longer see each other. We see only the faces of monsters, and that gives us the courage to destroy each other.” -Thich Nhat Hanh and I agree. This website is a project inline with my vision of promoting dialogue.